The weekend before carnaval was a haze of sleep
deprivation. Rylee and I were up late every night with our new friends and
awake early every morning for work and meetings. The university is on break right now because
there was a strike a couple years ago that’s got the academic calendar all
turned around. Usually summer break is December, January, and February but this
year break is the month of March.
Rylee and I left for Porto Alegre early Saturday morning. Our departure time
was the result of much conjecture! We were at a friend’s house and around
2:00am someone wanted to know what time we were going to leave
campus to catch our 7:00am bus that morning in the centro. The ensuing conversation involved 10 people crowded around a laptop for an hour until our friends determined that the bus schedule was unreliable and that they needed to escort us to the rodoviaria downtown. So Wesley and
Luan, our two best buds, got up at 5:30am to make sure we got to the bus station okay. Shout out to our lovely friends (pics on Rylee's March 1st post); we missed yall in Floripa! <3
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